Sunday, September 15, 2013

Important Steps Towards Safe And Effective Skin Whitening

The quest for whitening your skin, never rely only on a skin whitening or bleaching product alone. Whitening skin care of hyperpigmentation problems (uneven skin tone, age spots, freckles, dark underarms, melasma, dark acne scars, dark knees, elbows or inner thighs) needs a little more cares and it's really easy.

Here are few tips that you should take into consideration to make your skin whitening treatment a success.

1. Only use potent and safe skin lightening products.

Potency is the concentration of active skin whitening ingredients in a product. Most commercial over-the-counter skin lightening remedies have small or insignificant potency that little or no results are seen.

Price is not a factor to determine the effectiveness of a product, and does not logically represent a more effective skin bleaching treatment if more expensive.

Buy from a source that you trust, has good reviews, and well recommended by satisfied users.

Safety is the most important issue, because your skin is the only one you’ve got. There are three harmful skin whitening ingredients and the alert is discussed in detail here in 'hydroquinone side effects'. Never use the skin whitening products that contain any hydroquinone, mercury or steroid in them.


2. Use with your favorite moisturizers.

This is one of the best tips in skin whitening, especially for those with dry skin.

This step is recommended because the skin whitening/bleaching process involves skin peeling (exfoliation), which is drying to the skin. The drying effect is necessary to peel off the dark unwanted skin layer.

Remember that skin lighteners are formulated for skin lightening, not moisturizing.

Using your favorite moisturizers will bring about a better, rosy, hydrated, lightened skin tone. The resurfaced (exfoliated) fresher skin absorbs moisture best.

Apply your moisturizers about 10-15 minutes after the skin lightening products.

3. Wear a good sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays at daytime.

Did you know that not all sunscreens block the sun’s UVA and UVB rays? These two are different, as the UVA rays are responsible for aging, tanning and wrinkling of our skin, while the UVB rays causes sunburn.

When buying sunscreen, look for ingredients such as Parsol 1789 (at 3% not 2%, also known as Avobenzone), Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Oxide or Mexoryl-Sx.

If you choose the higher SPF, the better protection you get. Keep in mind that sunscreen is a MUST whether you’re in a skin whitening treatment or not. It is your best cover against sun damage and skin cancer, especially between the hours of 10am-3pm.

4. Take a daily dose of Vitamin C supplement.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a potent anti-oxidant that also encourages the production of skin collagen. As a result, the skin becomes stronger and the complexion gets more even. Some studies show that a daily intake of 500-1000 mg of Vitamin C supplement can enhance the skin’s suppleness and clears skin for a brighter effect.

By following the above steps, your dream to get a brighter and glowing skin will become reality soon. And say goodbye to all skin discolorations.

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